Other Readings and Resources

Rhetorical Analysis

Literature Review

Articles and Videos

Children’s Book Final Assignment

Public Awareness Campaign Final Assignment

Downloadable Site Template

To use and modify this course site for your 21003 section:

  1. Download the .xml file from the Google Doc folder
  2. Create a new Academic Commons course site (select “Default Template” under Site Layout)
  3. Navigate to the newly created course site’s dashboard 
  4. Hover over the “Tools” menu on the left hand side of the screen and select “Import”
  5. Click “Run Importer”
  6. Click choose file, and select the .xml file you downloaded in step 1
  7. Click “Upload File and Import”
  8. Select yourself as the post author under the “Import author” options on screen
  9. Select “Download and Import File Attachments”
  10. Click “Submit”