Rhetorical Analysis
Literature Review
Articles and Videos
- Mosquito Borne Illness Could Threaten Half the Globe by 2050
- We Can’t Solve Climate Change Without Nuclear Power
- Cats rival dogs on many tests of social smarts. But is anyone brave enough to study them?
- Video: Planting Trees to Fight Flooding
Children’s Book Final Assignment
- Suggested activity: have students do an informal rhetorical analysis of an example children’s book about science
- Suggested activity: Review a children’s book
- Books for Budding Scientists (A good list of examples)
- The Science in Children’s Books
- Using Children’s Books to Clarify Science Concepts in Early Childhood Programs
Public Awareness Campaign Final Assignment
- Assessing the Impact of Public Education on a Preventable Zoonotic Disease: Rabies
- Instagram Public Awareness Campaign Aims for Real Talk About Mental Health
- Stop Raising Awareness Already
- NIH Education and Awareness Campaigns (examples)
- Rethinking Drinking (example)
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